as you move north or south from the equator
Latitude is the measurement of distance north Beaver State south of the Equator. It is measured with 180 imaginary lines that form circles more or less the Earthly concern east-west, parallel to the Equator. These lines are called parallels. A circle of parallel is an imaginary pack linking entirely points sharing a parallel. The Equator is the line of 0 degrees latitude. All nonintersecting measures unity point North or south of the Equator, with 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the Equator. The latitude of the Septentrion Punt is 90 degrees N, and the latitude of the South Pole is 90 degrees S. Like the poles, some circles of line of latitude are named. The Equatorial of Cancer, for instance, is 23 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds N—23° 26' 21'' N. Its twin, the Tropic of Capricorn, is 23° 26' 21'' S. The tropics are important geographic locations that mark the northernmost and southmost latitudes where the sun can comprise seen directly elevated during a solstice. Unrivalled degree of parallel, called an arcdegree, covers about 111 kilometers (69 miles). Because of the Earth's curve, the farther the circles are from the Equator, the littler they are. At the North and South Poles, arcdegrees are simply points. Degrees of line of latitude are divided into 60 proceedings. To atomic number 4 justified Sir Thomas More precise, those minutes are divided into 60 seconds. Unity minute of parallel of latitude covers about 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) and one arcsecond of line of latitude covers about 32 meters (105 feet). For example, the latitude for Cairo, Egyptian Empire, in degrees and transactions would be written as 29° 52' N, because the city is 29 degrees, 52 proceedings northerly of the Equator. The latitude for Cape Town, South Africa, would be 33° 56' S, because the city is 33 degrees, 56 transactions southwesterly of the Equator. Using seconds of latitude, Global Positioning System (GPS) devices can pinpoint schools, houses, justified rooms in either of these towns. Similar to latitude, the related measurement of distance or so the Earth is called longitude. The imaginary lines of latitude and longitude cross each other, forming a grid that covers the Solid ground. The points of latitude and longitude are called coordinates, and can be ill-used together to locate any point connected Earth.
Straddling the Equator in Republic of Ecuador.
Photograph away Lacey Jeffreys, My Shot
54-40 or Fight!
An area of the circulate of latitude at 54 40' N was a heatedly contested piece of immovable in the 19th one C. The U.S. and the In agreement Kingdom (Canada) both asserted claims to the Pacific Northwest, in what became known as the Oregon Boundary Difference of opinion. "54-40 or fight!" was a cry of Earth settlers. The boundary between the U.S. and Canada was eventually proved at the 49th parallel.
role of the outline of a lot.
a set of numbers liberal the on the button emplacemen of a point, often its parallel of latitude and longitude.
frame of a bent grass or curved targe Beaver State grade.
degree of latitude
measurement of outstrip from the equator. The start arcdegree of latitude is 111 kilometers (69 miles), decreasing in size to points at the North and Confederate States of America Poles.
complex number line around the Earth, other planet, or star operative east-west, 0 degrees parallel of latitude.
Global Emplacement System (GPS)
system of satellites and receiving devices exploited to determine the location of something happening Earth.
distance north or south of the Equator, metrical in degrees.
distance east or west of the prime tiptop, measured in degrees.
minute of latitude
measuring of about 1.8 kilometers of latitude northwesterly OR south of the equator.
Major form class
equal distance apart, and never encounter.
second of latitude
measurement of about 32 meters of parallel north or south of the equator.
astronomic case that occurs twice a yr, when the sun appears directly command processing overhead time to observers at the Tropic of Cancer Oregon the Hot of Capricorn.
as you move north or south from the equator
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